It's Hari Raya today and my family went out to visit my grandmother and our relatives.
DISCLAIMER: If it seems that i grew some hair in some photos, forgive me, i was wearing my father's wig.
So, I woke up to my father's calling at like...10am? He was whacking his belt against my door. Ouch :p
Kinda dilly dallyed till 11.45, thats when we were all souped up and ready to go! Took us about 20 mins, but we finally arrived at Punggol.
Punggol is kinda fun-ish. Isolated yet..Ok lost what I wanted to say there. *Ploop there goes the atmosphere*
The brilliant azure sky shone down upon the sleepy suburb, framing them in a quintessence that matched the serenity of the meditating Dalai Lama. My father floored the pedal, heading straight towards a certain block of flats that we knew housed our relatives.
The first thing I said when i arrived was, ASALAMAIKOM!(Don't know how its spelled but it serves as a greeting in the culture.)
Grandma saw us and immediately started crying, she musta missed us tremendously!
So we got settled down and started talking/eating. Gotta hand it to them, the food was scrumptious!
Home-cooked food is the best. I really need to find a wife that can cook malay food...and japanese...and french, chinese, indonesian, mexican. Ok nvm le. LOL
I later found out that they had this really cool machine that they bought for 10.2k :( OUCH.
This machine is supposed to generate voltage (Up to 9000V). And what we're supposed to do is sit down and put our foot on the pad. The current running through out body is supposed to cleanse the blood or something along those lines.
Yea, so the thing about this was that since i had so much static electricity, i couldnt really touch anyone else, lest we both get shocked. HOWEVER, i was wearing SOCKS. So I wasnt really THAT electrically charged. (I found it out after I, unconsiously-still sitting down-, salam-ed my cousin that just arrived. She screamed as soon as she realised i was on the machine. HAHA but no harm there.
Boy, you should have seen my sister, she wasnt wearing socks, so i decided to touch her, the static HURT! I decided to have some fun and started using my finger to poke her, of course I dint really feel much, but my sis was having the shock of her life :D (Yea Cold. :P)
After my relatives found out about the wig, they couldnt help but give it a fling, lmao
<< GrandMa :D
Anyways! Had a really great day!