Today was Popping 1 Course!
However, headed to Bedok after school to meet Nik and Diana for a bout o MEEGORENG :3
Diana hated her chilli!
And gave me her prawns...
And we had Teh Tarik...(I finished my cup first)
We ate at Bedok South Market :3
(My old home; fond memories :D) (This is in Bedok...)
(This is in Bedok too...)
(Yep, Bedok)
This is Diana randomly posing for the camera
(Yea it was in Bedok also...) I used to live several blocks down from here
And I finished my Mee Goreng fastest!
(These are shoes)
(This is what we thought of our mee goreng)
We took this bus back to the interchange!
And this was the cyclist that posed in my final picture.
AND THEN WE WENT POPPING! (DIANA AND I; Nik went to SMU, which was nearby, to practice with his friends)
It was fun! but then I forgot to take pictures of O School :(
We learnt: Fresco's
Woohoo, Ben said our class learnt fast, hopefully we can cover much each session :D
Next popping class in 2 weeks :(
After Popping, Diana had to go for her dance recitals and I then met up with Nik and went home.
we were sad to leave :((((